My love look to the stars
Feel my heart crying out for you
Look to the tranquil waters that lap at your feet
It is my soul crying quiet tears of pain
You looked at me with eyes of truth
Proclaiming your love to me
Sweet sincerity flowed from your lips
As water caressed our bodies
Holding me tight you tell me I am your one
You long to be with me
To conceive our child in the right time
Not in a hated heat of chaos
Kissing me with a deep rooted passion
I melt into your arms so sweet
You are my heaven
Our love is so true
For a time we are to be separated
To test our souls and seek out the truth
For a time my spirit will be broke
But I look forward to the time you come back
How long you will stay only the fates can decide
For now, all I can do
Is hold tight to the words you spoke
And know our love is stronger than will
For you I will fight till my last breath is drawn
With you I can always hold my head up high and remain strong
Never forget me my Lord Phyre
Always keep us close to your heart till you return